Monday 19 March 2012

My First Post!

Hi all!  Welcome to my blog!

I'm inspired by a couple of friends to start a blog to keep more convenient record of my favorite topic, my dogs!  Facebook is great but it's hard to scan back and see all the fun we have together.

Plus, it give me another reason to talk about my dogs - my favoritest topic!

This will be short and sweet, but here's a little about me:

My name is Megan, I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, I am married to the most wonderful, (and patient), man in the world.  I have 5 dogs whom I adore.

I train and compete in many different dog sports, but I'll be honest...we're not the best at any one thing.  We're "pretty ok" in everything we do.  I can honestly say I do these sport for the fun of it, for the friendships, and because my dogs absolutely love working with me.

My dogs are my passion.

Next post I'll introduce you to my furry gang.